synchronizing signal

英 [ˈsɪŋkrənaɪzɪŋ ˈsɪɡnəl] 美 [ˈsɪŋkrənaɪzɪŋ ˈsɪɡnəl]

网络  同步信号



  1. Television synchronizing signal generator
  2. The frame synchronizing signal is detected, stored, and interpolated to insure stable data read back.
  3. Without conscious intent and the synchronizing signal of short iterations it is hard to notice the difference between being on the path and off the path unless you stay on the path for a while.
  4. Improvement of Synchronizing Signal of Thyristor Trigger Circuit
  5. The Effect of the Synchronizing Signal and the Circuit Data on the Dynamic Characteristics of TCSC
  6. Combining the nonlinear control system theory and the aim of chaos synchronization, we designed a nonlinear feedback controller for synchronizing the scalar output signal of Chua's Circuits system.
  7. On the other side, synchronization in "analog-digital-analog" scramble communications is very important, and the synchronizing signal must be inserted into information signals.
  8. Adaptive filtering of the synchronizing datum signal and its application in the harmonic detection of the complicated power supply system
  9. Hardware port of synchronizer was operated with VC++, setting corresponding parameter, needed multi-way delay synchronizing signal was gained.
  10. Meanwhile the TTS gives a synchronizing signal to control the data acquisition system, which then produces an obvious symbol to mark different sample and to decide how to set time signal.
  11. In the timing control grouping fuel injection and ignition for EFI gasoline engine, the first thing is the adoption of exact timing synchronizing strategy after obtaining the synchronizing signal of crankshaft position.
  12. A microprocessor-based generator of synchronizing signal and test-card for colour TV
  13. Emulation and dynamic simulation of TCSC control with synthetic synchronizing signal
  14. Frame synchronizing signal is designed and the signal can detect channel and indicate data transmission rate.
  15. Dynamic speckle photography of the gear tooth has been achieved by combining a pulsed ruby laser with the external synchronizing trigger signal.
  16. It mainly involves these technologies: the detraction of synchronizing signal from video signal, the integration of video signal, the pulse width measurement, computer interface and software programming etc.
  17. The circuit of clock synchronizing picks up information of clock synchronization. It provides synchronous signal with fixed phase for the trigger system of BES ⅲ, off-line analyzing system and luminosity detection system.
  18. Synchronizing chaos is realized via only transmitting scalar signal consisting of output signal and its successively n order derivatives.
  19. At the same time, it introduces compression of synchronizing signal which originates in possible extension of dynamic range of TV signals beyond linearity limits of the transmission channels.
  20. Synchronizing Lorenz Systems with Parameters Driven by Chaotic Signal
  21. After understanding the characteristics of the color synchronizing and the subcarrier, the effect of disturbance to signal is analyzed on the basis of spectrum. The methods and strategies of recovering line-to-line inverting subcarrier are tried to find.
  22. Synchronizing signal of chaos is automatically extracted form modulated signal by forced synchronization and freely evolving synchronization, Synchronization is maintained between transmitter and receiver under normal modulation ratio.
  23. How SDH optical terminal selects synchronizing signal for terminals at 2 Mbit/ s business code flow is presented, the characteristic of El distance module is elaborated.
  24. Taking the capacitor voltage uc as synchronizing signal, there is not serious DC component in the power system, but serious low-order harmonics.
  25. The principle and methods to reduce the spectrum leakage by synchronizing the data sampling with the signal frequency was too given.
  26. Synchronizing chaotic system with parameters driven by chaotic signal
  27. Circuit experiment for synchronizing hyperchaos via a single continuous feedback signal
  28. Influence of synchronizing signal on single phase grounding fault of thyristor controlled serial compensation and its control strategy
  29. The problem of extracting synchronizing signal of the system was solved by means of the advantage of the ideal phase-locked loop characteristics, frequency control and narrow-band tracking and as a result, real-time tracking of the synchronizing signal of three phases power supply was realized.
  30. The Phase-Locked Loop ( PLL) is synchronizing circuit which can make the input reference signal exactly consist with the output signal in phase and frequency.